Well all of the planning for the Morgan's first birthday finally came to an end. We decided that since it was the first that we do the whole "go all out" and boy planning a party like that is exhausting, but it turned out just perfect. The theme for the party was based on colors of pink, green, brown and cupcakes! You will see a common theme of these colors from Morgan's clothes, to the food, all the way down to the invitations (which I do not have a picture of). The day turned out to be absolutely beautiful, it was sunshine and warm, which in Georgia and the month of March you never know what the weather will be like. We had all of our family and friends there to share in making wonderful memories.
Since we didn't have Morgan's birthday party on her actual birthday, my mom and I decided that we still had to make her actual birthday March 10th special. So I dressed her in her very cute "Birthday Girl" shirt and my parents came over for dessert that night! Josh and I waited to let Morgan open her gifts from us, since she had more than enough at her party to open.
We took Morgan for her one year check up, which check ups always include lovely vaccinations. It becomes so much more difficult to watch your children get shots as they get older. You can see the look of terror in their eyes the moment the get the shots, because they are so much more aware and you just want to tell the "it's not Mommy that is inflicting that pain on you!" Her stats were great! She was healthy and growing like a weed the doctor said. She was still in the 90% on heigth and 75% for weigth! We Maner's know how to feed her well:) Busy is still the name of her game! She started to walk a couple steps a few weeks before her birthday and then she decided that she was just going to go on a strike. When I say strike, I mean if you tried to lift her up by her arms to get her to put her feet down she would put them straight out in front of her, parallel to the ground, absolutely halarious. She called it quites and decided that she just wanted to still cruise around the furniture. She has a very cautious personality, so I guess she wanted to stay safe for a while longer. I of course was totally fine with that, I wasn't quite ready to chase around a mobile child on foot!